Monday, 25 April 2011

We Lost Ourselves and Found Our Way to This

A tethered kite; did no hand think that all it wanted was to fly away?
Please, please just take me to Lullaby Bay.
The gentle breeze so soft on my face. Feathers of purity. Innocence. Childhood imagination, the kind that still inhabits my mind, sometimes.
Do you see the beautiful ships, the sails full and strong? Instantly ready to carry you away. Take you where troubles do not abide. Let's take the ride alone and all enclosed at once. For in our first step, we join those in want of recovery. They are together. The vikings had such honourable death beds.

Take a trip where they roam freely. Where sound does not have to mean a thing. Specifics are of no importance. Where apathy, comes as a welcome relief not a sin of rule or regulation. There's no need to know where you are going. No time to pretend you care. That's where she walks and I'm longing to follow her.

The place turned my insides out, illuminating light to bones and filling the voids. Chasing the space over crevasses and keeping heads held high over the dizzy plummet. Knowingly awaiting the lonely hours after you go. Absence tears flesh wounds, giving way to oozing punishment, the sign of a job well done and all that is left; a guilt ridden skeleton. Did she do it all for me? Or was it my undoing to idly agree and complete the jumbled jigsaw that Beauty so wanted me to piece together?

We see others looking lost and feel guilty knowing we're not alone. Jealous that their pain could be greater than our own. How to speak words teeming with heartfelt sentiment from a muscle of stone. Becoming statuesque; stood still, with a beating heart. Yearning for more. Waiting for an eternity to end, no words to pass barren lips. Cold to the touch, through Insanity's inflicted illness. Innocent evil, accused of a guilty verdict once again.

Who does the fighting anymore? It'd just be like praising St. Jude.
I'm in pursuit of; "what did I do?"
Repetition inevitable, as if it is a formula to the answer.

I want to go where the rain falls fantastic.
I need to feel something take over. The rain on my near bones.
The sun will shine low there and despite this, you'll keep me close.

A kite with a tethered string. You caught it. Pulled me back down. Why?
Today, I am sad. Fall back into the lullaby.

Close your eyes and whisper. It's not that far, by the boats with their sails.
I want to live in a house on the hill side. Enclosed and secret.
We'll have bone china for the teapot and cups full of green tea, the plates left always empty, more pretty as bare bone.
Take me to Hushabye Mountain.


  1. like a fairytale.
    you are formidable. you know that, don't you?

  2. You stir so much in me. In sunshine and rain, you are always wonderful.


  3. "I want to go where the rain falls fantastic". That lined killed it. (in all the right ways). I love it.

  4. That was beautiful and heartbreaking, It has taken me so long to leave a comment because I can't think of anything adequate.

    I have a vague memory of a man singing that song. What movie was it? Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or Mary Poppins? Something from that era of epicness.

    I love the temporary nature of beauty. A flower, a rainbow, a sunset are made even more gorgeous because of the fact that they will fade and remain only in memory.

    The leaves put on their best display in the final days of their life. They then slip from their birthplace to protect the roots from frost. The faded remains of their autumn gorgeousness nourishes the spring growth and allow the tree to live on.

    I've been ok. Very unmotivated to study, which is NOT good for my grades! I hope you have been well and survived the season of crappy chocolate in one piece!

    Arohanui Mhairi!

  5. I fly this kite to the darkest part of night
    sailing to your melodic bloom,
    stretching my heart beyond the stars
    to infinity


Thank you for your words.