It's beyond everything that I should be so lucky as to be nominated for an award. Especially by two very special followers in one day. Thank you to Athena and to Lottie for this nomination of 'The Versatile Blogger' Award. You two really are so sweet for this. I shall not forget it.
Seven things?
1. I have loads of unburnt candles dotted around my room. I know I should burn them but I'm convinced that they are doing a perfectly good job of scenting the room without actually having to be burnt. My absolute favourite is sweet pear lily. It does for smell what the sun does for summer.
2. I am an irritatingly fast reader. It would be good to slow down, but I just find I can't stop once I get going. However, when it comes to people's names I struggle massively. Torn by not wanting to pronounce the name wrong but also wanting to seem impersonal. Which is slightly ironic as my own name isn't that easy to say. Whenever I meet someone new, or we had a new teacher in class the same line is rolled out; "It's Gaelic, pronounced like 'marry', as in a wedding."
3. I like to travel. Whether it is going across the world and back or simply taking a bus journey. Walking is always a good choice for clearing my head. Actually, usually my favourite part of the day is on the bus to and from the city.
4. My mp3 player is filled up with an eclectic mix of music, but I always find that solo piano pieces are mysteriously on repeat the most. I always want to put musical solos and showstoppers on there but resisting the temptation not to sing along out loud or weep at their emotive stories is too hard!
5. I consider myself as boring and more often than not a failure. This is very well reflected in these facts so far. Questions are far easier to answer. When I started writing this post I was convinced I couldn't do it. I hope there's maybe some personality in this post. Usually I seem to come across as whimsically lost and only capable of imagery.
6. I have had a job in retail for what seems like forever now. This year I got voted, by my co-workers, as 'Mrs Customer Service'. There's a little trophy and everything. I think I'm still in shock! At work it is actually in my contract for certain aesthetically pleasing customs. Such as flip flops to be worn in the summer (which I really don't like having to do) and big crazy hair and glitter worn on VIP nights. The picture on my profile is a bit misleading as my hair is naturally ginger and bird's nest like (i.e. curly). Typical Scottish heritage.
7. I like small, feminine tattoos and I'd really like to get one. But I'm a little too scared! A permanent mark needs much consideration. I'd want a little song bird, with a star overhead. It represents my training and freedom. The star, a reminder of the light. Maybe an anchor, that's totally my Dad. Or a tiny heart. To remind me of courage. I've liked this for a while (from TattooDesignIdea).

10 lovely people (in no particular order):
1. Revoltra - I'll follow her wherever she goes. She is so real and honest in her writing. Please do take a look.
2. Eva - the Snap-Thought project she's set up is really inspiring and more people should definitely see what it's all about.
3. Lucy - what she writes, you will relate to instantly.
4. Barry - no doubt nominated before, he knows how inspiring I find his many, many, many blogs. You won't be disappointed where the links take you. He is infinitely kind.
5. Lazzenia - her pictures are so beautiful, you'll wish you'd been there to see the moment captured.
6. Joanna - you'll be lost in a new kind of beauty.
7. Anon. - solace has never filled some one's words so fully.
8. Helen - I appreciate having her as a follower so much. I hope you'll find out why she's so special too.
9. Margg. - an expert in definition, eloquent in her production and far too humble.
10. Grey - rhetoric is plentiful here.
** I'd also really like to thank Peri for just being wonderful. All the time :)
But there are so many more of you to discover!